The Canton FFA and Its Alumni
by Tom Hojnowski
February 2022
As I sit in my hotel room after a day of the PA FFA ACES (Agricultural Cooperation Establishes Success) conference (February 2022), I was asked to reflect on the Canton FFA alumni and the support that all alumni offer to the organization. While the Canton FFA Alumni, is by name a group of avid and active supporters there are many other supporters that do the same that perhaps were in FFA at some point of their life or perhaps never were part of the FFA organization but still play an important, active role in helping things happen for the FFA members. The benefits that the members gain from the support of FFA Alumni far supersedes the classroom experiences by adding real-life, active experiences in leadership and communication which adds to and solidifies their classroom learning.Now to look at the significance that the Canton FFA Alumni has made for the Canton chapter in ways that would not be present as they are today. The alumni has spearheaded the chapter banquet to recognize the accomplishments of the Canton FFA members. They have also hosted a community event that actively involves the chapter FFA called “From Our Farms to Your Arms”. It brings local producers and agricultural and environmental support systems together to create an opportunity to draw in the community to learn all about agriculture in our geographical area. The alumni also support avenues of gaining funds or personnel needed for different events. They as alumni members have aided in the election process of the next year’s chapter officers and many have acted as public speaking judges at the county public speaking event. Individual alumni have assisted the success in areas of their specialty with the chapter members. Canton has had a few FFA state officers which help new potential officers to run for an office and past national band and chorus members that have assisted the next generation at success in those areas. Many Canton graduates work in areas of environmental science and have aided the next generations to succeed in the Environmental and Natural Resource Career Development Events and the PA County and State Envirothon. The alumni are very generous in the giving of their time to aid in making the agricultural program at Canton more successful. Again, some of the individuals are specifically members of the Canton FFA alumni and some are not. Anyone can become a member if they wish to assist in the success of a chapter FFA organization regardless of their past FFA participation. Local FFA chapters appreciate the help of any individual that has knowledge and skill to share.

Casey and Tricia
Casey Hall (R) - past Canton FFA member and PA FFA State Officer (2011-12)
supported Tricia Hojnowski, Troy FFA member in her run for and earning of the position of
PA FFA State Chaplain (2016-17)

Kristen and Ethan
Kristen Page, Canton FFA graduate and Canton FFA alumni president
recognized member, Ethan Engel for the leadership skills he acquired through a grant for
an aeroponics grow tower used to teach other students.

Kurt Page
Kurt Page, Canton FFA graduate and manager of a Countryview Farm
speaks to the members at a chapter banquet.