Alumni Chapters

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How to Start a Chapter

Visit this National FFA resource for more information.

To CHARTER or REACTIVATE a local FFA Alumni chapter, meet and maintain these qualifications:

  1. Have at least 10 members who will pay National FFA Alumni member dues and state FFA Alumni dues (if applicable).
  2. Have current bylaws in harmony with the National FFA Alumni Bylaws.
  3. Have a council of elected officers.
  4. Complete the Application for Chartering/Reactivating.
  5. Submit the completed application for Chartering/Reactivating to your State FFA Alumni Association (405 East Sunbury Street, Millerstown, PA 17062).

Information for Starting an Alumni Chapter

Blank Membership Roster
Charter Application
Suggested By-laws
Suggested Constitution

Impact of Alumni on FFA members

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Canton Alumni

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